I wanted a laptop that was high-end when Alienware first started carrying laptops. They were the only ones who hit what I was aiming for, so I went with them. Service went from great, to horrid, to quality again (I can tell they've moved their tech support to India. I can't say I like that in and of itself, but so it goes.) The laptop itself is solid, but it's HOT and battery life is crap (it will be for any laptop this size). I will, however, say that I think they are not worth how much they cost now.
Aemon, hold off for a day or two. A friend of mine ordered a desktop, premade, with rediculously high numbers (ie, 64 bit AMD processor, ATi Radeon 9600 Pro, 120 GB HD....need I go on?) for less than the price barrier that you set yourself for your laptop. I can't remember the site name, and he and I aren't at school right now, but I'll find out for you.
This was either the start of something bad or the end of something stupid.