So let me get this straight. Bf calls you up, says he has to cancel. (good reason or bogus?) This has the effect of bringing you down, upsetting you and raising the antenna of distrust. So you go all secret agent on his ass and feel like a dolt. So your mood is seriously low and quite honestly anything short of your pet dying would cheer you up. Than you get home and find out he's waiting with candlelit dinner which obviously brightens your mood ridiculously. There was no possible way he could lose (outside of you getting slobberingly [is that a word] drunk and bedding a busdriver or something). So it is my suppostion that he is obviously a mastermind of nefarious deeds to lower your mood artificially only to be your "knight in shining armor".... Or you could just be crazy as a loon. (how do we know loons are crazy? where are the studies?)
Bogus reason.