So last night, my bf, or whatever, calls to tell me he is going to have to cancel on our plans. Okay, well... this behaviour kind of reminds me of another certain someone... So, I *crazily,* get suspicious. So what do I do? When I get off from work, do I just go home? No. I drive to his condo to see if any lights are on. None are, that I could *see*! SO LIKE A TOTAL WACKO I ACTUALLY GO AROUND THE BACK to see if any are on there. Nope. So finally, I realize I have come completely unhinged and I return home.
There he is, in my back yard, with a candle lit surprise dinner. Uh huh. I am loony. So he is like, "I called your office, where were you?" I just changed the subject.
Answer me two questions please.
1)Have you ever done anything so crazy?? PLEASE, SOMEONE SAY YES!
2)Do I have to tell him that I am insane? Or can this just be our little secret?