I like the "conspiracy theory paranoid" flavor. That's a major part of the reason for posting it.
Umm - because it's funny or because it's creepy? I just find that it destroys the author's integrity, thereby damaging their actual salient point.
The essence of the argument is still true- it generally is controlled by men; a male dominated culture, etc.
Hrmmm. Amazingly true in the 50's. Less so in the 60s and 70s. Even more less so in the 80s and 90s and now much less so in the 21st Century. There still is some male dominance to be certain and, I think, there will be until we come up with a different way of having offspring.
But it's growing less significant with each passing year.
No question about it. But then - I hate laws based on someone's stupid religious values. I really don't think society would have a cow over topless women. Really I don't. But some individuals certainly would.
I think we should do it to assassinate Osama bin Laden. Can you think of anything more likely to given that scumbag a coronary?
Silver Warder
Warder to Rebelaessedai
Risk everything - or gain nothing.
Geoffrey de Charney - 1356
Deeds - Not words
Remembering Joe (CrazedWeasel)