So, I have this conversation:
me: so, altruism just isn't good any more?
her: no
me: and we should just do what feels good and makes us rich?
her: we should do what makes us happy
her: u can't judge people juss b/c they like doing something
her: like being fashionable or non-fashionable
her: everyone should have the right to be happy
me: and yet people are judged when they're not fashionable
me: unfashionable people are looked down on, as not "cool"
her: well i'm not the one judging them badly i could care less what people wear, but dressing fashionably is something i like doing
me: ugh...things need to change around the world
her: yea our socitey needs to change peoples morals need to change
her: and when i grow up i wanna be famous and help do that
me: being famous is bad
me: if famous people were truly good, they wouldn't be rich
her: being famous is only bad if u potray urself badly and don't have strong faith or strong morals
me: *sigh*
me: you don't get it! people around the world are dying, sick, and unhappy, and you and your ilk are so self-obsessed!
her: that's y u do what makes u happy
her: and i care bout other people that's y i wanna help the socitey sooooo
me: how can you do anything to make yourself happy when every day is a struggle for survival?
me: against hunger, disease, not having fresh water, no shelter...when americans sit around b*tching as if they have it bad
her: u can still live it to the fullest u can
me: no you bloody well can't!
her: in fact i would never say i had it bad
me: when you're laying emaciated on the dirt, dying from aids and thirst and hunger, you can't live life at all happily
me: there is none of that "life to the fullest" sh*t
her: yes there is
her: and juss b/c ur a smartass and u think u no everything u don't and everyone has the power to be happy
Never have I more wanted to punch someone...
Rainbow Ajah
Bonded toMuir&Jed&DW&xxxdec21xxx