This week: Anagrams
xrefer thinks that you are all crossword puzzle enthusiasts, and that you will all be familiar with anagrams. I am not so sure
I used to do crosswords, so these are not too hard, and, for once I scored the magic 10
Good luck!
1. Rearrange the letters of TRIPPERS to make a word for someone who takes their clothes off. stripper
2. Rearrange CRIED to make a drink. cider
3. Rearrange OUTSIDE to make a word that means "boring".
4. Rearrange EVILS to make four words that mean: a famous singer, jeans, exists, and coverings. elvis, levis, lives, veils
5. Rearrange BEARCAT to make an entertainment.
6. Rearrange GENERATE to make a young person. teenager
7. Rearrange MEDALS to make a young woman.
8. Rearrange REGION to make a word that means "to disregard". ignore
9. Rearrange LISTEN to make a word that means "without sound". silent
10. Rearrange PRECIPITATE to make a word that means "travelling from place to place".
To find out the answers, and to see just how well you did, click the link.
Rainbow Ajah
Bonded toMuir&Jed&DW&xxxdec21xxx