Active Users:543 Time:12/03/2025 07:32:45 PM
Oh, it was entertaining, but in a 1960s Leftist way The Voice of Lews Therin - 26/04/2004 04:59:46 PM

Well, as I said before, I poersonally don't have a problem with keeping a shirt on, it's the bra part that I find annoying. You're not hypocritical about the shirtless part...
Do what thou wilt.

You weren't entertained at all? My apologies.
Oh, it was entertaining, but the tone was very "old Left" in its flavor. I was surprised there weren't more mentions of proletarian values, etc.

Annoying wotmaniacs for 10 years.

Oh, I don't have time for this. I have to go and buy a single piece of fruit with a coupon and then return it, making people wait behind me while I complain. - Prof. Farnsworth

The Voice of Lews Therin

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Political Exposure: The Breast - 26/04/2004 02:50:18 PM 235 Views
Umm... - 26/04/2004 02:56:28 PM 35 Views
**giggles** - 26/04/2004 03:02:20 PM 23 Views
Sheesh. - 26/04/2004 03:07:24 PM 28 Views
I think that the author takes the "right to breastfeed" for granted *NM* - 26/04/2004 03:11:13 PM 4 Views
Oh and btw... - 26/04/2004 04:53:16 PM 18 Views
Re: Oh and btw... - 26/04/2004 05:08:01 PM 15 Views
TAKE IT OFF! - 28/04/2004 02:19:25 PM 4 Views
Well - I don't at all agree with the reasoning - 26/04/2004 03:11:08 PM 27 Views
Re: Well - I don't at all agree with the reasoning - 26/04/2004 08:39:27 PM 6 Views
Re: Well - I don't at all agree with the reasoning - 27/04/2004 01:58:13 AM 5 Views
I like this. *NM* - 26/04/2004 03:22:00 PM 5 Views
Well then, just for you, - 26/04/2004 03:54:10 PM 19 Views
sweet!!! *NM* - 27/04/2004 01:43:48 AM 3 Views
- 27/04/2004 01:51:41 AM 7 Views
*calls police* - 28/04/2004 01:25:12 AM 3 Views
She's a little extreme in some of her asides, but she does have a pt. - 26/04/2004 03:31:05 PM 19 Views
This kind of diatribe sickens me almost as much as the Religious Right - 26/04/2004 03:40:43 PM 41 Views
Ooh, that's harsh. - 26/04/2004 03:52:46 PM 25 Views
Oh, it was entertaining, but in a 1960s Leftist way - 26/04/2004 04:59:46 PM 17 Views
*is improper* - 26/04/2004 04:38:11 PM 29 Views
Dont forget gay dance clubs - 26/04/2004 07:00:53 PM 14 Views
heh. and a story - 26/04/2004 04:40:34 PM 29 Views
Re: heh. and a story - 26/04/2004 04:44:38 PM 19 Views
Hahahahaha! - 27/04/2004 01:16:44 AM 7 Views
If women are indeed 53% of the populace, then let them vote. - 26/04/2004 07:04:05 PM 17 Views
Somehow, I don't think that - 26/04/2004 08:36:21 PM 11 Views
Think about what you're saying though. - 27/04/2004 01:41:31 PM 5 Views
This is possibly the worst argument for a good idea I've ever seen. - 27/04/2004 01:57:12 AM 12 Views