How often do you people get drunk? I'm curious.
Fully drunk? Not too much. Tipsy? More often.
Okay, first - how often do you have an alcoholic drink?
Once or twice a week. Wednesday night is my preferred night for drinking.
Second - what's your preference (ie. beer/brand of beer, spirits, wine)?
I don't like beer so much, but that's usually what's available. I like wine, vodka, and Mike's hard lemonade.
Third - why do you drink? Is it the thing to do, or you like to unwind, or you really don't know?
Don't really know. Social, I guess. I like the taste, too.
Fourth - how often do you get drunk? I mean, like, have enough that you lose some inhibitions.
Mmm... I only usually lose inhibitions maybe every two months at most.
Fifth - How often do you get drunk enough to forget what you are doing, or to barf? Do those two go hand in hand in your experience?
Never forgotten what I was doing. Only barfed once, after a ridiculously small amount of alcohol, but I was sick that day and probably shouldn't have been drinking anyway.
Sixth - how much does it take to get you to this point? Be honest, there's no need for false bravado on the internet. We're all anonymous here.
Depends on what I'm drinking. Beer doesn't tend to make me too drunk. Wine works really fast on me.
Seventh, and finally - why do you do it? Honestly, think about it. Isn't it strange?
See question 3.
Oh, bonus question! Have you been here while drunk? Feel free to share that experience.
Drunk? No. I made a tipsy blackboard post once though. And then told people to ignore it.
Is an eyeball in an eagle's talon as good as an eyeball on its own?