Don't its bad *cringes*
I have Bourbon street just about figured now, I'm sure the same principles could be applied . Still when being a tourist it is nice to visit the tourist traps occasionally
I'll grant you that. I like seeing the tourists walking around staring at the Ryman. Nice place to have a concert though, since I got to see a blues performance there 4 years ago.
I would like to visit Memphis, and Nashville would be interesting too. The home of country music has to be worth a visit .
Only if you head to the Bluebird Cafe. Most of the other Country places aren't worth it. I'd recommend the blues clubs if you like that style of music. Nashville's much more than Country music, thank God.
As for Memphis, I need to visit there sometime. Been over 20 years since my last visit and I only live 2.5 hours away from there.
Illusions fall like the husk of a fruit, one after another, and the fruit is experience. - Narrator, Sylvie