Most Swabians can´t pronouce a voiced "s" as in "realize". And we are in constant strugle with relative clauses. Distinguishing between "b" and "p", "t" and "d" etc is also sometimes hard for us.
I noticed that, at my last job, the Germans in the office seemed to have two ways of pronouncing the "ch" - in many instances (for example, in "ich" ) it was closer to a "sh" sound than to the hard "ch" that dialectical and if so, from which region? Sorry, I just remembered that when you mentioned the "s" issue.
Yes. Often north Germans look down upon us southerners becausen they are better at the language. This is quite logical as the "real" German is just closer to the northern dialects than to the southern. But we sometimes take revenge by speaking out accents in a way that makes it hardly possible for them to understand.
I think a lot of people do that sort of thing.
I think Hungarian and other south-east-European accents are somehow nice, although I cannot determine why. I´m sure a french accent, when spoken by a "mademoiselle" (note the voiced "s" I am able to speak although I am Swabian ) turns on most men all around the world, regardless what language it is spoken.
I think it also depends on how attractive the mademoiselle in question is.
I haff alvays pleachure ven ansvering sis kind of sing. Sank you!
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