Up to this point.
Some of you know that My best frined Josh is getting married this June. I was in love with him for a really long time and it has been really difficult seeing him preparing for his upcoming marriage.
I mean I have delt with the fact that he is never goign to marry me... and that we would never work. But there is still something difficut knowing that someone else is getting what you have spent the better part of your life wanting.
I went to his fiance's bridal shower today (for those of you non-Americans who are unfamiliar it's where the bride's friends buy her lingerie before the wedding) I had to pick her out a gift and smile throughout the party and generally pretend it wasn't effecting me. It wasn't as difficut as I thought but it was still hard.
I know some of you will say I should get over it, *ahem* and I am... it's just taking a while... I think I might actually be able to go to the wedding...
"Do not waste time bothering whether you "love" your neighbor; act as if you did...When you are behaving as if you loved someone you will presently come to love him."-- C. S. Lewis