People don't often guess I'm Dutch straight away - over the past 6 months, I've been mistaken for Australian, New Zealander, American, German, Swedish, and British (from Bristol, specifically. I thought that was rather hilarious)
Ah...wasn't Bristol home to the terrible and infamous Chicken of Bristol?
I also tend to assume the accent of the person I'm speaking to, both in Dutch and in English. In Dutch, I notice when I do this, in English I tend to miss it, but people point it out to me (My friend Jonathan one morning: "Jenn, who have you been speaking to?" Me: "Ehm, just Steph, why?" Jon: "Ah, that explains the posh English accent then." ). It's quite amusing, but I try not to do it, because sometimes people think you're mocking their accent.
I am sure there is some actual name for the phenomenon, which is encountered on a regular basis. Were I a psychologist, I would tell you the name. As it is, I have forgotten.
Ehm...some people in the Netherlands, mostly westerners, look down on southern accents, but my southern accent is not heavy enough to be looked down upon.
What's wrong with the South Netherlands?
In English, I hate Dutch accents. That might sound strange, coming from me, but I do. I'm trying very hard to lose mine
That makes sense. Some of my Russian friends hate strong Russian accents. I think it has something to do with assimilation and lack thereof.
'Twas a good one Glad you liked it!
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