Grew up near Boston.
Ah, a Bostonian...
Okay, not that bad. I'd say Cuh-rea. Pahk the Caa. Fingas, Suppah, etc. I also cut words up. I'm probably going home, would be Um probly goin ome. I'd say it quick so it wouldn't sound as stupid as it looks typed.
Oh, I personally like Boston accents. It's just every now and then I have to do a double take.
Not a mispronounced word, but I say 'wicked' a lot. Like, 'That's wicked sweet.' Never 'That's wicked'. I just barely ever type it unless I'm mocking myself.
That is a fantastic expression...
French and Russian accents aah wicked hot.
I'm with you on Russian, though my gf doesn't really have an accent in English's very, very slight.
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Oh, I don't have time for this. I have to go and buy a single piece of fruit with a coupon and then return it, making people wait behind me while I complain. - Prof. Farnsworth
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