I am continually amazed how millions of people can suffer from the delusion that 19th Century unwashed American idiots, many of whom may have been more than slightly insane and all of whom were verging on illiteracy, none of whom had any strong theological backgrounds and all of whom were proven wrong time and again, have a better understanding of the Bible than educated, well-read scholars of antiquity.
The "Rapture" is one of the biggest piles of heaping, smelly horseshit to be inflicted upon modern Christianity. That the devout morons, drooling from their sheer stupidity, also believe in the absurd doctrines of Creationalism, is beyond me.
These people are prime candidates for sterilization. Mierin, please rethink your pacifist stance and help me genetically cull the human race of these people. Their stupidity is worthy of post-lobotomy levels.
Annoying wotmaniacs for 10 years.
Oh, I don't have time for this. I have to go and buy a single piece of fruit with a coupon and then return it, making people wait behind me while I complain. - Prof. Farnsworth
The Voice of Lews Therin
Find out what WOT really means...
This message last edited by The Voice of Lews Therin on 4/25/2004 at 9:44:30 PM.