1. What accent do you speak in when you speak your native language? Don't tell me you don't have one, because everyone has an accent, even if it's the "standard" accent for the language in question.
2. Do you mispronounce words because of your accent? I'm not talking about simple variant pronunciation. I'm talking about the way people in Boston say the word "career" like "Korea" and "Korea" like "career" (or, for example, the way Billy Joel sings about "Brender & Eddie" in "Scenes from an Italian Restaurant" ).
Most Swabians can´t pronouce a voiced "s" as in "realize". And we are in constant strugle with relative clauses. Distinguishing between "b" and "p", "t" and "d" etc is also sometimes hard for us.
3. Do you speak any other languages fluently enough to have a distinctive local accent in that language? For example, my Moscow accent, my friend's Parisian accent when he speaks French, etc.
Not fluently enough, I´m afraid.
4. Are any of your accents "looked down" upon? (For example, Cockney or similar accents in England, Algerian accents in French, Caucasus accents in Russian, Long Island accents in American English, etc., etc., etc. )
Yes. Often north Germans look down upon us southerners becausen they are better at the language. This is quite logical as the "real" German is just closer to the northern dialects than to the southern. But we sometimes take revenge by speaking out accents in a way that makes it hardly possible for them to understand.
5. As long as we're speaking about accents, are there any foreign accents which, when you hear your native language spoken in, turn you on/sound pretty ?
I think Hungarian and other south-east-European accents are somehow nice, although I cannot determine why. I´m sure a french accent, when spoken by a "mademoiselle" (note the voiced "s" I am able to speak although I am Swabian ) turns on most men all around the world, regardless what language it is spoken.
6. Are there any foreign accents which make your language sound awful?
I can´t think of any.
Okay, that's it. 'Twas a short survey.
I haff alvays pleachure ven ansvering sis kind of sing.
I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it.
(Terry Pratchett)