1. Are you dead?
2. Have you ever been dead?
Many times.
3. Do you know any dead people?
4. Are you a living dead?
When I ahven't slept enough, yes.
5. Have you ever been a living dead?
6. Do you know any living dead?
Um. Sometimes.
7. Do you have living dead body parts?
8. If you do what body parts?
Like I said.
9. Is any living dead stalking you?
Thankfully no. They just moan a bit.
10. Are you a stalker?
Thank fully, no.
11. Are you stalking any living dead?
12. Are you a vampire?
13. Are you a werewolf?
14. How many living dead or dead people do you think visits wotmania?
There's me.
15. Are the writer of these questions a living dead or a dead person?
Living person. Only the living ask weird questions. Dead people don;t do much. very passive.
16. Are everyone dead but think they live?
Yes and no.
Thanks for answering
I hope these questions haven’t made you depressed.
I was already depressed. Now I feel better.
Please don’t complain on the grammar. I’m Swedish I haven’t got a clue what grammar is.
I'm here.