I have an english accent that I hide around people and use at home, I used to get made fun of for it so I stopped using it at schools and other public places, but indeed I do have one
Really? I though English accents were considered tres chic.
humm I can't say worm well It sounds more like warm only with an english accent behind it
Well, thankfully it should be a word you don't have to say that often...unless you're a veterinarian or a nematodologist.
I speak spanish well my moms cuban but of course theres a brit speaking in spanish it sounds weird
So you're saying you speak Spanish with an Anglo-Cuban accent? That sounds interesting.
french accents are so hot Like Pepe LePeu?
I can't say some words properly and make a mess of some words at times, but maybe thats just me
yay I liked it Glad to hear it!
EDIT: OMG I didn't think I'd had that much to drink...I made a horrendous mistake that I should be flogged for, and I'm NOT a masochist.
Annoying wotmaniacs for 10 years.
Oh, I don't have time for this. I have to go and buy a single piece of fruit with a coupon and then return it, making people wait behind me while I complain. - Prof. Farnsworth
The Voice of Lews Therin
Find out what WOT really means...
This message last edited by The Voice of Lews Therin on 4/25/2004 at 12:06:35 AM.