But what they felt is so much worse. I can't understand something. I am not really looking for an explanation, this is more of a personal rant.
When I saw the movie the Passion, I had similar feelings. HOW can mankind be so mean, so cruel? What is it inside someone that makes them want to hurt someone else?? Emotional harm/cruelty is a little more understandable because a lot of times it is not intended or far more complicated...
But what makes me very very afraid, is, how does something like this happen??? HOW can people do those things to something else. I am not kidding here, it kinda makes me sick to hurt BUGS. Seriously. Not cockroaches, they are not really considered to be real to me... but anything else. Certainly things like spiders, slugs, etc...
How were different groups throughout time dehumanized by others to the point they would have to be (black slaves, gays now, etc.) that brutal force seems okay? I just can't understand war, bloodshed. I can't seem to grasp it at all.