You're points are duly noted & the police have already informed us that they will be keeping an eye on these people now that they have been brought to their attention!
That is some good news .
I am aware there are some good cops out there - I have had plenty of dealings with 'em in the past (shoplifters & such)
Unforunately my boyfriend is afraid that the stigma that would come from a gay man sticking needles in to people, NOT, about the physical premises!
I didn't mean to imply that - I was thinking that maybe people would hang around outside and cause initimidation and so on. I guess because I wouldn't have a problem with a gay man sticking needles in me that never occured to me.
Anyways I hopes it all gets sorted to a satisfactory conclusion. I am sorry that you have to put up with this kind of behaviour, no one should. Excalibur
Aviendha's Englishman