I pity these people, but I am pretty sure they will be able to live with themselves
bloody cowards. Like dogs they can only attack in groups
seriously though, whilst they will be able to live with themselves, what type of life will they be living? From what I've seen people like this end of being no hopers, married with kids, beer guts, feral, with really nothing much going on in their narrow minded lives. The ones who always struggle by day to day.
I'm extremely sorry that it happened to you. These things really shouldn't happen in todays world. For hte most part they don't, it's just the stupid ignorant few who are so afraid of anything and anyone different.
Thanks for listening.
thanks for sharing. Any time you need a friend.
Onwards the Aussie Spam Invasion!
TwoWongs rocks my world
campaiging for vitamin S
Quai Master is my muffin