1. How did you first meet your wotmania buddies?
I'm pretty sure that they all started by NB. Though, I probably saw something of them on the MBs. I know with Karen it was the Message Boards and then we begain with the NBs and with Manda it was she had Galad as her favorite character, me too!, so that's how that friendship started.
2. Do you have any particular interests in common?
I share something with all my wotmania buddies. Though not all the same thing.
3. Have you ever talked to a buddy in the real world?
4. Do you always reply to posts from your buddies?
I try too. But sometimes it doesn't really apply to me. I just stay in my thread on CMB2 a lot.
5. Do you give points to your buddies (or receive points from them)?
Not often. Most of my points go towards premie renewals.
6. What is it about your buddies that make them your buddies?
They are themselves.
7. How do you keep in touch with your wotmania buddies?
Mostly AIM.
8. What kind of relationship do you have with your buddies?
Friends with most. Boyfriend to Karen.
9. Are you buddies with any of the smileys?
Oddly, I am with