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Stupid answers... ~bela~ - 23/04/2004 08:42:46 PM

1. What’s the capital of Oslo?
I ate it.

2. How many legs on a snake?
I ate them-none.

3. How do you roll a drunk down a mountain?
You push them.

4. Who lights the sun?
Me, dur, stupidest one yet.

5. Who is the true lord?

6. Do you eat animal testicles?
Not often.

7. Do you like banana split?
I like bananas mashed into into a pulp and ground in turkey innards and thrown away to save the world of the their poison.

8. Have you read a book?
No, I should do that sometime.

9. Have you got a TV?
That works?

10. Do you have access to a computer?
No, I'm doing this from my stone tablet.

11. Am I holy if I can walk on H2O?
No, only if you can walk on a noble gas.

12. Would you like to date a fish?
"Fish heads fish heads roly poly fish heads fish heads fish heads eat them up yum- I took a fish head to a movie and didn't have to pay to get it in."

13. How many spelling Faults can you find in this survey?
Do you really want me to answer that?

14. How many grammatical errors?
A crapload.

15. Do you have high morals?
Define high.

16. When will the Martians land?
I ate them.

17. How do get a drunk up on a mountain?
By drinking on a mountain.

18. What is moral?
Define high. I mean. Um. Define moral. Oh wait, thats what I'm sposed to do.

19. Why is life unfair to you?
Because its mad at me for eating the martians.

20. Why am I doing this?
To stall before I eat you.

Another kind of question:
Oh joy

21. This might be stupid to ask but I have a vague memory you could post something on Wotmania a long time ago without having an account. Could you? And what could you post (was it comments on the quick poll or posts on the message board or something else if it was anything)?
Like I would know.

The stupid questions end for now.
Durn it, I was just enjoying this.

Thank you

Shh...Creator in Disguise
Bonded to the almighty and awesome Warlord
Bridgets evil pony
...and then they made me their chief...

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Stupid questions - 22/04/2004 11:12:10 AM 140 Views
where? - 22/04/2004 11:21:08 AM 20 Views
here? - 22/04/2004 11:31:28 AM 9 Views
no. there. - 22/04/2004 11:38:33 AM 7 Views
Were? - 22/04/2004 11:47:15 AM 7 Views
over by the little blue boat, next to the enormous duck - 22/04/2004 11:53:20 AM 7 Views
I can't see it. *standing on toes looking around* - 22/04/2004 11:59:43 AM 6 Views
Re: I can't see it. *standing on toes looking around* - 22/04/2004 12:03:08 PM 7 Views
Re: I can't see it. *standing on toes looking around* - 22/04/2004 12:05:32 PM 6 Views
... and stupidity reigns... - 22/04/2004 11:22:18 AM 14 Views
I guess - 22/04/2004 11:44:02 AM 7 Views
Stupid Answers. - 22/04/2004 11:50:26 AM 11 Views
Re: Stupid Answers. - 22/04/2004 03:29:36 PM 6 Views
Re: Stupid questions - 22/04/2004 12:01:53 PM 9 Views
Re: Stupid questions - 22/04/2004 04:12:12 PM 8 Views
Re: Stupid questions - 22/04/2004 05:43:30 PM 5 Views
I have a question... - 22/04/2004 12:06:17 PM 13 Views
Oh my god, brain overload. *NM* - 22/04/2004 04:45:41 PM 3 Views
yes, yes they are - 22/04/2004 02:07:28 PM 8 Views
Why? *NM* - 22/04/2004 04:46:40 PM 3 Views
Stupid, stupider and stupidest. - 22/04/2004 02:15:45 PM 7 Views
Stu, Stu, Stupid - 22/04/2004 03:13:57 PM 5 Views
I don't have a TV ! It's not a joke! - 22/04/2004 04:02:22 PM 7 Views
Tell me the answers or I'll slowly fade away. - 22/04/2004 04:36:37 PM 6 Views
Bah. - 22/04/2004 04:33:15 PM 8 Views
Bad joke - 22/04/2004 04:42:29 PM 5 Views
Re: Bad joke - 23/04/2004 07:31:10 AM 4 Views
Re: Stupid questions - 22/04/2004 05:38:31 PM 5 Views
Stupid answers... - 23/04/2004 08:42:46 PM 4 Views