No, No. I meant you are the TART!
Aww why thank you.
Since Paul wrote about bodies being temples. Didn't you read my post about Bowling Alley Food? Biker Bar food is no better.
Yeah, I read that. Thats just the fundie crap that Dad keeps feeding you. You really need to get a life!
Well, into my apartment for the last few years, but we don't actually have sex...
Sure.. now who's in denial. Really if you're gonna sin you might as well go all the way and have fun
We should hang out but not as long as your demons are there. They aren't misunderstood at all. THEY ARE DEMONS! THAT MAKES THEM BAD!
And who told you that? Mom? Dad? You pastor? Seriously you should get both sides of the story before judging people. Doesn't Christianity teach that you shouldn't judge lest ye be judged?
You just had to take the televangelism shot didn't you. We really give points to the needy and I'll do it myself if no one will help me! Such cynacism is why you have trouble finding JESUS.
Oh I found him, but i felt sorry for him so i turned him loose. He was kind of a wet blanket anyway. Not much fun to hang out with.
Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years!
~ Anton Szandor LaVey