Raspberry, strawberry. The point is they were TART!
Actually they were kinda sweet
Oh dear. When I think of you with all those shaganasties, and with all those bowls of greasy chili I just want to curl up and weep for your soul.
And since when did greasy chili become one of the deadly sins. Seriously, I think you need help.. That was me and Andy. He used to sneak in my window.
Oh, so it comes out! Little Miss Goody Goddy sneaks boys in her room and has sex. And you call me a floozie?
*sighs* Kick against the pricks if you must. We'll win you back from the hordes of demon spawn in the end.
<princess jasmine>I am not just some prize to be won!</princess jasmine> Okay, I couldn't resist that!
You should come hang out with us sometime. The demons are really fun, just misunderstood
Is that why you are calling yourself "Evil Evangeline?" Your name is Pandora. Say it with me. It will be good for you.
Because Pandora doesn't have the same hilarity value. Besides, no one calls me that anymore. The name our parents gave me is suffocating so I took a new name. Not that I'd share that with you. I'd never let some JESUS-freak have power over me!
My ministry is legit. We're going to give points to Wotmaniacs who are in need of some cheering up. You should join!
Sure, and so is televangelism. Really, you should get into that. You'd make a fortune!
Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years!
~ Anton Szandor LaVey