This whole "dating" thing... it's so American.
IMO, if you are "dating", you are in a relationship, and that is a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.
But I don't want to just all of a sudden end up with him thinking we are about to get married.
The boyfriend-girlfriend relationship doesn't imply this. Getting engaged does.
If you're not comfortable with him calling himself your boyfriend, then after 4 months, maybe it's not working out on your side. He obviously sees somthing in you, and is proud to call himself your boyfriend, otherwise he wouldn't be.
I've never understood the need to make things so damn complicated.
Alexia is my Cute Australian™
Proudly Bonded to Rana Sedai
It was all my fault...
I'm a sexy chicken for Zeeb
Vegas Aug 17-18 - A Night to Remember
This message last edited by Nebhead on 4/23/2004 at 3:35:12 PM.