I suppose if you have a job/life that requires you to keep up with dozens or hundreds of contacts and appointments, they may be useful, but I don't. I can keep all my appointments and contacts in my cell phone which is a much smaller and compact package to carry around.
I've heard PalmOS is the way to go, but I tend to like the WindowsCE ones. There seems to be more of a range of easily acquirable cool software for the WindowsCE ones.
That's about it for me. Happy hunting!
However, several of my aquaintances around campus have them and they do seem thoroughly useful in the right situation. I am more inclined towards Windows CE too, though the PDA's that run it are more expensive. I would imagine they integrate better than Palm ones as at the moment my main Desktop OS is Windows XP and it is useless to me unless it can integrate.
Thanks for your thoughts .
Aviendha's Englishman