Personally, I don't have a problem with it. I know that in war, Americans are going to die. The price of freedom isn't free...and to date, it's America who is paying the highest price in trying to free another nation. We know that Americans are dying...the media makes sure of this fact. In my thinking, seeing a picture of a flag draped coffin would drive the point home just that much more...that men and women are dying in the line of duty.
But here's the thing, and why I see the wisdom in not letting the pictures go public. Someone out there, in the name and the call of "Free Speech" would desecrate that picture. They would use it in such a way as to desicrate the reason for why they died, to cast doubt that they were fighting for something that mattered...Their Nation.
Let's remember ladies and gentlemen...those soldiers are not victims of war...they are casualties. They died in the service of their nation. The fact that they died is not disregarded in the least, but instead it's remembered and honored. There are those out there who would take that cherished memory and that honor and dirty it. They can do this with words, but words are forgotten...immages are not.
Near-Brother to Roonas
Admin of the Art Gallery
Admin of all that is WoT