How often do you people get drunk? I'm curious.
most nights for the last week and a half
Okay, first - how often do you have an alcoholic drink?
daily at some periods of time
Second - what's your preference (ie. beer/brand of beer, spirits, wine)?
beer, Guinness
Third - why do you drink? Is it the thing to do, or you like to unwind, or you really don't know?
It's just fun mainly...I enjoy it
Fourth - how often do you get drunk? I mean, like, have enough that you lose some inhibitions.
Fifth - How often do you get drunk enough to forget what you are doing, or to barf? Do those two go hand in hand in your experience?
not for a while...over a year since I was that bad, but I used to be like that two or three times a week when I was at uni
Sixth - how much does it take to get you to this point? Be honest, there's no need for false bravado on the internet. We're all anonymous here.
varies, I like to believe I can handle my drink fairly well....but not as well as I could 5 years ago.
Seventh, and finally - why do you do it? Honestly, think about it. Isn't it strange?
No, it's just fun and relaxing
Oh, bonus question! Have you been here while drunk? Feel free to share that experience.
yes, the last time was with wads and Mormegil. It was much fun
John Maynard Keynes Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone
Patternweaver's fiancé