1. What’s the capital of Oslo?
In Soviet Russia, Norway is the capital of Oslo!
2. How many legs on a snake?
Well, quite a few bones... (swedish joke here)
3. How do you roll a drunk down a mountain?
4. Who lights the sun?
Some British power company?
5. Who is the true lord?
6. Do you eat animal testicles?
7. Do you like banana split?
8. Have you read a book?
No, that's why I'm here
9. Have you got a TV?
10. Do you have access to a computer?
11. Am I holy if I can walk on H2O?
No. You are just lucky
12. Would you like to date a fish?
13. How many spelling Faults can you find in this survey?
More than I were looking for
14. How many grammatical errors?
A few
15. Do you have high morals?
16. When will the Martians land?
In 15 years
17. How do get a drunk up on a mountain?
Walk with him or caryy him, depending on how drunk
18. What is moral?
19. Why is life unfair to you?
It isn't!
20. Why am I doing this?
Another kind of question:
21. This might be stupid to ask but I have a vague memory you could post something on Wotmania a long time ago without having an account. Could you? And what could you post (was it comments on the quick poll or posts on the message board or something else if it was anything)?
The stupid questions end for now.
Thank you
Quality procrastination should always be given the time it needs.
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