How often do you people get drunk? I'm curious.
Okay, first - how often do you have an alcoholic drink?
Second - what's your preference (ie. beer/brand of beer, spirits, wine)?
Third - why do you drink? Is it the thing to do, or you like to unwind, or you really don't know?
Fourth - how often do you get drunk? I mean, like, have enough that you lose some inhibitions.
Fifth - How often do you get drunk enough to forget what you are doing, or to barf? Do those two go hand in hand in your experience?
Sixth - how much does it take to get you to this point? Be honest, there's no need for false bravado on the internet. We're all anonymous here.
Seventh, and finally - why do you do it? Honestly, think about it. Isn't it strange?
Oh, bonus question! Have you been here while drunk? Feel free to share that experience.