It is already causing trouble. Especially in Bavaria, where the local beer is regarded a vital part of national idiocy... er... identity.
Not a suprise really, I assume it will do right up until the WC
In some places selling alcohol within the stadium isn't allowed anyway, so there are no local contracts with breweries.
Which is alright in those cases...though it may cause trouble if FIFA's contract says Bud must be able to sell in all stadiums - who knows?
In other cases, I think the contracts are mostly with the club usually playing there and hence won't apply. However, I fear every contractor insisting on his local right will face the thread of "his" stadium being excluded from the tournament.
I would expect that, I seem to remember similar problems before every WC and European Championship.....
AFAIK they are not allowed to sell anything else within a mile of the stadium. Farer away is OK, but how to bring it in the stadium, using only "soft" containers (plastic bottles etc.)?
And not tasting to nice...maby better of going for vodka and orange etc?
John Maynard Keynes Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone
Patternweaver's fiancé