My last contact with Kory was appologizing to him for being rude. You see, he was only trying to give me good advice, but I just wasn't ready to hear it. Well, he was always ready to help, to councel. For me, he was never a shoulder like he was for so many others. He was a voice of reason that I should have realized from the start was worth listening to.
A few of you know I went on a road trip last spring. Not very many know that my route took me right by his funeral. I was at the tail end of a 5,000 mile road trip and I knew that his funeral was in Mesquite on the morning I was passing through. I thought about going, but I felt like it would be presumptious of me to show up since I was never very close to him.
Anyway, the long and the short of it was that I didn't go. I was driving by and my CD player happened to be on Jimmy Eat World at the time. The song "Hear You Me" will always remind me of that morning and Kory. I don't think I really had a point here except that from the little contact I had with Kory, I know I missed out on getting to know a great person better.
Today I'll become the bull.