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Conversation Killers The Voice of Lews Therin - 21/04/2004 08:59:27 PM

Do you know of any phrases that are likely to end a polite dinner conversation? I'm talking about phrases like:

Did you know sheep have no gag reflex?

You know, I was sad when the civil war in Bosnia ended...

You're a vegetarian? Funny, so was Hitler.

Of course, I realize that these phrases, among friends, can actually lead to very interesting conversations. I'm just thinking of the sorts of things that you wouldn't want to say, for example, at dinner when first meeting your fiancee's parents.

Please, if you've got 'em, post 'em.

Thank you.

Annoying wotmaniacs for 10 years.

Oh, I don't have time for this. I have to go and buy a single piece of fruit with a coupon and then return it, making people wait behind me while I complain. - Prof. Farnsworth

The Voice of Lews Therin

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Conversation Killers - 21/04/2004 08:59:27 PM 312 Views
Those look so real, may I give them a squeeze? *NM* - 21/04/2004 09:01:14 PM 4 Views
I imagine that would lead to some rather heated conversations. *NM* - 21/04/2004 09:36:38 PM 3 Views
Or a slap in the face. *NM* - 21/04/2004 11:49:02 PM 2 Views
LOL. The Hitler one is great. - 21/04/2004 09:03:49 PM 42 Views
that first one has to be the worst. ever. *NM* - 21/04/2004 09:04:45 PM 2 Views
Hmm - 21/04/2004 09:24:01 PM 86 Views
My roomate is the same way... *NM* - 21/04/2004 10:04:02 PM 3 Views
It's an Indian thing - 22/04/2004 12:41:27 AM 34 Views
He just doesn't like missionaries as near as I can tell. - 22/04/2004 12:42:44 AM 20 Views
Same as me - 22/04/2004 12:57:52 AM 18 Views
I once killed a man... - 21/04/2004 09:27:08 PM 47 Views
I can't think of any conversation killers just now, but... - 21/04/2004 10:21:46 PM 34 Views
usually anything that I say - 21/04/2004 11:16:19 PM 43 Views
That would be helpful advice... - 22/04/2004 11:51:50 AM 9 Views
Anything involving eating roadkill *NM* - 21/04/2004 11:46:17 PM 3 Views
I remember an MTV dating show..... - 21/04/2004 11:53:34 PM 37 Views
I didn't know you could do that to a horse *NM* *NM* - 22/04/2004 12:18:34 AM 3 Views
You did what to whom for how many doggie biscuts?? *NM* *NM* - 22/04/2004 12:19:36 AM 2 Views
my girlfriend only craps once a week *NM* - 22/04/2004 12:30:28 AM 5 Views
That's not bad *NM* - 22/04/2004 11:52:21 AM 3 Views
i dont know *warning, poo facts inside* - 22/04/2004 01:10:23 PM 13 Views
No, I meant the statement wasn't bad as a conversation killer *NM* - 23/04/2004 03:49:43 PM 3 Views
oh, - 23/04/2004 03:56:29 PM 7 Views
Let's see... - 22/04/2004 12:52:08 AM 34 Views
Anything about masterbation - 22/04/2004 01:23:36 AM 25 Views
"You know I like you, right?" - 22/04/2004 01:31:03 AM 29 Views
"I did Parasitology last term. Wanna know about tapeworms?" *NM* - 22/04/2004 04:58:04 AM 3 Views
My boyfriend actually said that once Not to me, fortunately.... *NM* - 22/04/2004 08:25:06 AM 8 Views
For some reason, I keep reading that as "ot to me, unfortunately...." *NM* - 22/04/2004 11:27:37 AM 3 Views
Yeah, but that's just your sick and twisted mind - 22/04/2004 12:50:45 PM 9 Views
Yes, that does explain that, thanks - 23/04/2004 04:26:27 AM 6 Views
Hehe - 23/04/2004 04:34:54 AM 5 Views
I kept doing it all xmas. I was bored... *NM* - 23/04/2004 05:45:44 PM 3 Views
To extend your first one - 22/04/2004 04:59:21 AM 28 Views
Wow...I'm learning so much about sheep *NM* - 22/04/2004 11:53:49 AM 3 Views
Remind me, is it Green discharge for chlamydia? *NM* - 22/04/2004 05:30:37 AM 3 Views
That's a great one *NM* - 22/04/2004 11:52:59 AM 3 Views
Why thank you *NM* - 22/04/2004 12:00:04 PM 2 Views
"I have a rash..." *NM* - 22/04/2004 06:14:41 AM 2 Views
So is your mum still as hot as ever? *NM* - 22/04/2004 07:02:58 AM 3 Views
Conversation around me never stops. - 22/04/2004 08:00:33 AM 17 Views
An example of what wads was talking about... - 22/04/2004 10:36:05 AM 21 Views
*warning: offensive* - 22/04/2004 10:42:40 AM 33 Views
I said the first one to my roommate in college all the time - 22/04/2004 11:55:23 AM 12 Views
my thesis topic. *NM* - 22/04/2004 11:14:40 AM 6 Views
Perhaps, but only due to its obscurity - 22/04/2004 11:46:43 AM 13 Views
by the by - 22/04/2004 05:51:28 PM 10 Views