1. How did you first meet your wotmania buddies?
I met SynEve and DarkCanuck in a post I made at the beginning of last year. The other few I consider friends I met on the MB over time and a few I met in person.
2. Do you have any particular interests in common?
Yeah I believe so.
3. Have you ever talked to a buddy in the real world?
I have. Baltimore 2003 Everyone I met there are great people
4. Do you always reply to posts from your buddies?
I try to.
5. Do you give points to your buddies (or receive points from them)?
I have in the past.
6. What is it about your buddies that make them your buddies?
They are all good, funny, intelligent people who can all drink
7. How do you keep in touch with your wotmania buddies?
Chat, MB and NBs usually I've rarely IMed any of them though.
8. What kind of relationship do you have with your buddies?
A good one I hope.
9. Are you buddies with any of the smileys?