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wellllllll i am reborn - 21/04/2004 01:43:26 PM

they're tennis balls, i guess the ink would stick.

the fuzz should help the ink stay, ill have to try though

sure, but you know... we have to find an appropraite pen

i reckon a nice ole' sharpie ought to do the trick

that's a really weird question.

no way, if your balls are too small then apu wouldnt be able to sign his full name on them.

like basketballs?

i was thinkin more like man balls. but i guess if they were gonna sign your balls in the first place then they wouldnt mind signin your basketballs

like golf balls?

see above but put golf balls in place of basketballs

i am reborn


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would you ever offer your balls..... - 21/04/2004 01:35:07 AM 155 Views
tsk. *NM* - 21/04/2004 01:37:56 AM 6 Views
what? - 21/04/2004 01:41:20 AM 32 Views
Mmmmm... breasticles. - 21/04/2004 05:48:22 AM 20 Views
oh... you sick sick f*ck *NM* - 21/04/2004 06:20:58 AM 4 Views
Well they *ARE*.... - 21/04/2004 06:25:02 AM 13 Views
you are a wise man who speaks the truth *NM* - 21/04/2004 01:31:45 PM 2 Views
Sure, why not. - 21/04/2004 05:46:14 AM 17 Views
**sigh** - 21/04/2004 05:48:25 AM 9 Views
Re: **sigh** - 21/04/2004 05:49:36 AM 7 Views
- 21/04/2004 05:50:41 AM 7 Views
Re: - 21/04/2004 05:51:34 AM 6 Views
- 21/04/2004 05:53:46 AM 6 Views
Re: - 21/04/2004 06:00:05 AM 26 Views
hey, keep your man boobies to yourself - 21/04/2004 01:34:42 PM 4 Views
I somehow knew someone would post something like this *NM* - 21/04/2004 07:02:57 AM 3 Views
a spoof post inspired by me?! - 21/04/2004 07:27:40 AM 25 Views
Tell me that was just a funny pun - 21/04/2004 09:03:26 AM 16 Views
- 21/04/2004 06:45:22 PM 5 Views
you gotta realize that - 21/04/2004 01:37:05 PM 10 Views
- 21/04/2004 06:47:00 PM 9 Views
you need to stop playin with my emotions dammit! - 21/04/2004 07:17:02 PM 5 Views
I'm sowwy!!! - 22/04/2004 03:28:32 AM 8 Views
you do that. - 22/04/2004 01:03:41 PM 4 Views
Re: would you ever offer your balls..... - 21/04/2004 11:23:16 AM 12 Views
wellllllll - 21/04/2004 01:43:26 PM 5 Views