Active Users:164 Time:08/09/2024 01:35:34 AM
*nodnodnodnodnodnodnodnod* Highly recommended! Catriona Sedai - 20/04/2004 04:09:43 PM

It's easier, I think, to stay with it when you have a teacher from whom you can get feedback and other dancers to interact with. I've made some great friends there.

Catriona, Countess of Options
Still searching for that one great love...
Eternal Wotmaniad Fangirl
But now you're cooler than Mr. T. - OA

For Kory and Joe:

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Anyone here belly dance? - 17/04/2004 02:09:48 AM 320 Views
I do not. I have this whole problem with coordination. - 17/04/2004 02:11:54 AM 28 Views
What are you doing here? Away with you! Begone! *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:12:27 AM 9 Views
Awww... Nuh-UH!!! - 17/04/2004 02:13:30 AM 1 Views
- 17/04/2004 02:14:23 AM 1 Views
Don't you do that to me! - 17/04/2004 02:15:33 AM 1 Views
Okay.... - 17/04/2004 02:16:39 AM 1 Views
What's wrong with guys belly dancing? *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:17:33 AM 7 Views
*hugs* Good Glo. - 17/04/2004 02:17:46 AM 1 Views
Umm.... - 17/04/2004 02:18:16 AM 1 Views
i don't but i really want to learn - 17/04/2004 02:19:44 AM 22 Views
*NM* - 17/04/2004 02:19:51 AM 1 Views
*foresees a new title* Belly Dancers! *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:20:38 AM 1 Views
omg... it's SO fun!! - 17/04/2004 02:21:21 AM 1 Views
Glo.. *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:22:02 AM 1 Views
Huh? - 17/04/2004 02:22:10 AM 1 Views
sweet! - 17/04/2004 02:22:11 AM 1 Views
PiC? *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:23:10 AM 1 Views
I know! - 17/04/2004 02:23:19 AM 1 Views
she's talking about everything we are - 17/04/2004 02:23:49 AM 1 Views
Danielle and I talk too much. *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:23:53 AM 1 Views
What? - 17/04/2004 02:23:53 AM 1 Views
=partners in crime. *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:24:32 AM 1 Views
ok, i'm gonna take your word for it! - 17/04/2004 02:24:36 AM 1 Views
Ah I see... - 17/04/2004 02:24:54 AM 1 Views
Oh yeah! *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:25:09 AM 1 Views
definitely! - 17/04/2004 02:25:19 AM 1 Views
Bueno! *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:25:43 AM 1 Views
- 17/04/2004 02:25:54 AM 1 Views
well you can be a fellow belly dancer too - 17/04/2004 02:26:15 AM 1 Views
Isn't it though? *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:26:22 AM 1 Views
*NM* - 17/04/2004 02:26:43 AM 1 Views
Pffft! *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:26:52 AM 1 Views
OoOOo... I got one!!! - 17/04/2004 02:27:27 AM 1 Views
*giggles* - 17/04/2004 02:27:43 AM 1 Views
Jessie thought it up! *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:27:46 AM 1 Views
Sweet!!! - 17/04/2004 02:28:15 AM 1 Views
Damn straight! - 17/04/2004 02:28:37 AM 1 Views
I say... - 17/04/2004 02:28:37 AM 1 Views
*laughs* *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:28:55 AM 1 Views
- 17/04/2004 02:29:56 AM 1 Views
but we add to it like everyday! - 17/04/2004 02:30:06 AM 1 Views
I am far too easily amused! *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:30:26 AM 1 Views
i'd hate for you to do it too! *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:30:40 AM 1 Views
Soo many..too lazy to type! *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:31:21 AM 1 Views
lol same here *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:31:46 AM 1 Views
Awww.. an actual *NM* *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:32:13 AM 1 Views
*laughs* *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:32:31 AM 1 Views
EFFORT IS BAD! *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:32:50 AM 1 Views
*grins* just wanted to throw you off track *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:33:16 AM 1 Views
Not at all! - 17/04/2004 02:33:34 AM 1 Views
True enough! - 17/04/2004 02:34:17 AM 1 Views
Yes, damn it! I shall have my revenge! *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:35:10 AM 1 Views
You best be off!!! *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:35:48 AM 1 Views
lol *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:36:57 AM 1 Views
That we are! *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:38:16 AM 1 Views
Sa-weet! *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:38:43 AM 1 Views
oh i see! - 17/04/2004 02:39:08 AM 1 Views
*grins* i'm shaking in my shoes *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:39:59 AM 1 Views
hooray! *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:40:32 AM 1 Views
Do you? Good! - 17/04/2004 02:40:38 AM 1 Views
"I think my bunny slippers just ran for cover!" - 17/04/2004 02:41:34 AM 1 Views
Oh yeah, man! - 17/04/2004 02:42:27 AM 1 Views
Talk? Looks more like osmosis to me.... *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:46:15 AM 1 Views
*grins* *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:47:27 AM 1 Views
LOL. This is true. *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:48:13 AM 1 Views
i do *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:48:13 AM 1 Views
*laughs* - 17/04/2004 02:49:57 AM 1 Views
Good. I am glad! - 17/04/2004 02:51:29 AM 1 Views
*NM* - 17/04/2004 02:52:19 AM 1 Views
- 17/04/2004 02:53:22 AM 1 Views
Jessie is off to try this sleep. *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:55:20 AM 6 Views
lol *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:56:30 AM 1 Views
muahahahaha! *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:58:22 AM 1 Views
bah *NM* - 17/04/2004 03:00:03 AM 1 Views
Night dear! *NM* - 17/04/2004 03:01:01 AM 1 Views
*raises hand* I do! - 17/04/2004 03:02:18 AM 22 Views
I bellydance! - 17/04/2004 05:04:33 AM 17 Views
Only when I'm very drunk,,,, - 17/04/2004 05:35:27 AM 12 Views
I have, in fact, attended a couple of belly-dancing classes. - 17/04/2004 06:05:56 AM 18 Views
You're incouragible, in a good properly spelled way. *NM* - 17/04/2004 07:13:29 AM 10 Views
I had a lesson once - 17/04/2004 07:22:18 AM 16 Views
I love bellydancing! - 17/04/2004 09:49:58 AM 15 Views
Only until i'm paid to stop *NM* - 17/04/2004 11:34:03 AM 1 Views
*NM* - 17/04/2004 12:05:21 PM 1 Views
SCHA-weet!! - 17/04/2004 12:18:05 PM 1 Views
Bah. Don't make fun. - 17/04/2004 12:19:43 PM 1 Views
Hrm... - 17/04/2004 12:20:33 PM 1 Views
What? - 17/04/2004 12:21:17 PM 1 Views
Ah the shimmy... - 17/04/2004 12:22:46 PM 1 Views
Awww... I wanna go dancing... - 17/04/2004 12:24:23 PM 1 Views
I do!! - 17/04/2004 02:25:35 PM 14 Views
*NM* - 17/04/2004 02:57:36 PM 1 Views
Re: muahahahaha! *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:58:24 PM 1 Views
Whoohoo! That was fun! *NM* - 17/04/2004 02:59:15 PM 1 Views
Awww!!! - 17/04/2004 03:17:49 PM 1 Views
Bah humbug! *NM* - 17/04/2004 04:05:30 PM 1 Views
You! *NM* - 17/04/2004 04:05:53 PM 1 Views
indeed sweetikins indeed *NM* - 17/04/2004 08:07:22 PM 1 Views
my arab friend is teaching me, she and her whole faily are awesome - 17/04/2004 08:31:06 PM 11 Views
What?! *NM* - 17/04/2004 08:59:47 PM 1 Views
Teach me! *NM* - 17/04/2004 09:17:24 PM 7 Views
Awsome!!! - 17/04/2004 09:51:16 PM 1 Views
Ohhhh, yeah. - 17/04/2004 11:21:56 PM 1 Views
I've seen it. - 17/04/2004 11:38:48 PM 1 Views
I've seen it. - 17/04/2004 11:38:49 PM 1 Views
Exactly *NM* - 17/04/2004 11:59:23 PM 1 Views
Mmmmm.....Sexxxxy. *NM* - 18/04/2004 12:59:17 AM 8 Views
LOL - 18/04/2004 02:57:27 AM 1 Views
*NM* - 18/04/2004 02:58:04 AM 1 Views
NO! - 18/04/2004 02:58:47 AM 1 Views
I will have to find me a studio or sommat... - 18/04/2004 03:01:31 AM 1 Views
Ok...? *NM* - 18/04/2004 02:24:39 PM 1 Views
A nunnery! Like I would fit in! *NM* - 18/04/2004 02:59:08 PM 1 Views
Join us my child *NM* - 18/04/2004 10:11:50 PM 1 Views
OMG! Funniest thing I have seen all day! *NM* - 18/04/2004 11:30:03 PM 1 Views
i belly dance - 19/04/2004 02:43:13 PM 7 Views
*agrees* *NM* - 19/04/2004 05:12:35 PM 1 Views
Images... distracting images. *NM* - 20/04/2004 02:25:44 AM 1 Views
*nodnodnodnodnodnodnodnod* Highly recommended! - 20/04/2004 04:09:43 PM 1 Views