It's late, I'm bored, and my girlfriend isn't around. So I figure why not make a survey.
1.) Do you have a "Signifant other?" (If the answer to this qustion is no then you kindof can't answer the other questions, though if you want to try go ahead)
2.) Would you do anything for that person? (Die, Eat lots and lots of cake, sing i'm a little teapot, ect...)
3.) How long have you been with this person?
4.) What WoT character is he/she most like?
5.) Which WoT realtionship is yours most like? (Rand and Min, Rand and Elayne, Lan and Nyneave, Siuan and Garth, ect... )
6.) Is this as pointless as i think it is?
7.) What is the most romantic thing you have done for your other?
8.) Do you think you Love them?
9.) Should i go to Ten or just stop here?
10.) (Hell why not) Give the trait you like most about this peron?
Why do i get the strange feeling that this post is gona tank and that i'm gona get flamed???? Gwydion Quatar
Champion of Mankind
Knight of Passion