I'm seriously doubtful to marriage at this point, maybe ever... IF (big if) the right person comes along in the future and I feel ready I'll settle down.
In the meantime, it's winter in Stockholm (read dating Hell) and a cup of Earl Grey and a book are your best bets for decent company. Hmmm, think I haven't answered your question really. To answer it: I'm not sure.
Books are as bad as husbands for keeping me up (not that I'm speaking from experience, but I was once asked by a coworker if I was married when I complained of not enough sleep, and I had been reading) which is precisely why I'm here to write this at 5:20 in the morning...
Catriona, Countess of Options
Still searching for that one great love...
Eternal Wotmaniad Fangirl
But now you're cooler than Mr. T. - OA
For Kory and Joe: