now i only indulge in caffeine products sans sugar
Sana sugar?
good addiction
ugh, *wishes there were another way*
Smoke signals!
gave this up too. interfered with my time online...
Time well spent.
this is a very healthy addiction...
*looks around for talent, finds none*
I'm offended.
I think everyone wants it, but receiving usually makes me think of all the things gone wrong...
Like what?
heh, yeah
Ah well.
I know, if something strikes me.. i get rather obsessive
It's a curse.
unfortunately, this is shared as well. but only on the things i hate...
I hate it, too, honest! true too
nah, just the way it is... just a different kind of happy
Not really.
Why would you want to get away from any of these fine things.. except maybe the tv and sugary drinks..
Too much time for them, not enough for me.
<Hugs back real tight.>
I'm here.