well. I do not really mean without feeling. but very few adjectives, if you know what I mean. Very tough guys though. One of my favourite parts is where one man was walking through the forest with some friends, and all his friends are killed. He describes it as "det var hardt å ta seg fram or skogen". Love it. But a little... colourless.
Hva betyr 'or'??
you continue to amaze me. Is there some language you do not speak?
I am sure you speak more than me anyway.
I am half german also, so that dosen't count really..
lol....i do not want to think about what will happen when I try to speak Norwegian......
I should get a chance next year.....university nordic societies
that is why I am opposed to esperanto. I want to keep the regional languages. But I am very much in favour of a common second language.
I think esperanto would be quite nice as a common second language.....it is so amazingly simple. I quite like the sound of it also, but I suppose thats a personal thing...
I think it would be sad to lose some of the less widely spoken languages, because they are so interesting linguistically.
Incidentally, how widely spoken is Nynorsk? Is it growing or dying? I know really very little about it....
hmm... you might like it, then. But if you really like difficult stuff, I truly really recommend Edda.
don't tell me you haven't heard of it? That must be the first thing so far?!
I hadn't...
There are two Eddas, really. The first one, known as "Eldre Edda", is about Norse Mythology, and it is written in old norse. The second part is also known as Snorre's Edda, and is about Norwegian kings (similar to the sagas of Iceland) and a book about the art of poetry.
"Edda" means great grandmother, by the way.
yes, I think I would stop to stare for a while if somebody introduced themselves as such
I am getting very used to seeing it in writing, though
it is an interesting thought, though.
Its interesting also how people came to their sns....i don't think its a personality thing....at least, I am a counterexample to that anyway......i haven't a clue why i have mine.