It's the dual problem.
1) Oil prices go up - Bush's buddies make money.
I wasn't even referring to this was I? Did I mention this in that reply? Ah no. Don't put words in my mouth please and don't try to mislead others about what I think either.
2) Oil prices go down - Bush's buddies make money.
I referred to the potential for business to be made. Funny isn't it how there were a few rumblings in the administration about part of the reasons for France's opposition had something to do with contracts they had entered into with the iraqis. Please don't try and pretend to me that the US is so much more altruistic.
3) War causes both. - Bush's buddies make twice as much money.
twice as much? Did I say that as well?
I follow. No matter what happens, war makes Bush's buddies money and makes wads mad.
Please aero, save your ridicule for when you don't twist around what I say and invent what I say either.
Onwards the Aussie Spam Invasion!
TwoWongs rocks my world
campaiging for vitamin S
Quai Master is my muffin