1. are your eyes? Blue. Though in pictures they're usually red.
2. is your hair? Dirty blond or light brown.
3. are your nails? (if you put nailpolish on them) I don't polish them.
4. is your favourite? Green.
5. are your favourite pants? Black.
6. is your favourite skirt? Hmm...my girlfriend wears this really cute maroon skirt, so I guess that's the colour of my favorite skirt.
7. are your socks? Usually black.
8. is your underwear? (you don't need to answer this one if you don't want to) It's all different colors. Some of them are black, some are grey, some are navy, some are even red, and I have a pair with a lot of cocktail glasses on them, a pair that's a facsimile of the Wall Street Journal and a few other print designs. Oh, yeah, boxers. Only boxers.
9. are your shoes? Black. They're ALL black.
10. would you like to be? I'm happy the way I am.
11. is your favourite sweater? It's mostly green with a bit of navy.
12. is your favourite pyjama? I don't wear them. I used to sleep in boxers but now I sleep NAKED.
13. would you like your hair to be? I guess I'd like my hair to go back to the light blond it was before about the time I turned 12.
14. is your favourite coffeemug? I don't drink coffee, but I have a tea "mug" so to speak, with Chairman Mao on it that I bought at Shanghai Tang in Hong Kong.
15. is your car? (if you have one) It's Cinnabar Red. Seriously. That's what the BMW people call it.
16. is your bike? (if you have one) I don't have a bicycle anymore.
17. is your house? It's a light grey with white trim and red shutters.
18. are your curtains? Blinds, not curtains. And they're white.
19. candy do you prefer? Green candies usually, ESPECIALLY sour apple Jolly Ranchers.
20. do you think apples should be? Green!
ok, I admit these questions were a bit pointless but I hope you enjoyed answering them anyway Yes, I did. Thanx!
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Oh, I don't have time for this. I have to go and buy a single piece of fruit with a coupon and then return it, making people wait behind me while I complain. - Prof. Farnsworth
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