you can continue to speak from ignorance and prove what a jackass you are.
and this can turn into a personal attack. seriously think before you speak.
i lack empathy?
*derisive snort of contempt*
you have amused me, here is some money for you, go buy yourself something pretty. Perhaps you can look good if not sound good.
~laughs~ Wait - you had to edit this post? What, it wasn't silly enough to begin with? I've "amused" you? You give a "*derisive snort of contempt*"? Man, this is just too funny. Okay, I give - you win. There's nothing like a thread like this to remind us of the incrediably silly things we must type in order to express ourselves.
While I still object to your original post, it is too silly to continue a conversation where a "*derisive snort of contempt*" passes as "conversation".
I'll go my way, and you can go yours, kay?
Trying not to choke on hope.