Pento McGreno, as I'm sure you are all aware, is like mikes second in command, and responsible for creating chat. This has widely been regarded as a good mood, and has made alot of people loose their life.
A new version has just been uploaded, with the awesome funky coolness of "Socials".
Just type in what the social is (for example .laugh)
and the following will appear:
Nebhead laughs
Now, type in .laugh Pento
and the following appears:
Nebhead laughs at Pento
You can also .laugh me
Some of the longer ones include .anime
(Nebhead does a super-powerful move that takes five times as long to charge up as it does to fire.)
and .boot Pento
(Nebhead yells "BOOT TO THE HEAD!!" *woosh* *thwack!* pento grunts and falls down, clutching its head.)
So, everyone cheer for the new sparkly chat
Friend to Kory