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Why I feel Football (American) is the greatest sport in the world Rtguard - 24/01/2003 07:27:29 PM

Before I start, I'd like to point out that I refuse to add American in front of Football in normal conversation. I think Football is Football, and Soccer is Soccer. Of course I do realize that this causes some nomenclature problems, and that you have just as much right to call Soccer Football. I still say that Football is the name of my game though, so I'll keep calling it that.

It is a bold claim indeed to say that a single sport is the greatest in the world. Further, the fact that I have a football position as my board name would suggest some vested interest. With this in mind, it seems there is little way to convince anyone of Football's superiority. Indeed, I doubt I can truly convince anyone who is convinced that Football is "a big bunch of men, running around in tight trousers, throwing a ball to each other." However, I would do the sport a great injustice were I to remain quiet.

Part of why I love football is that it is quite different from any other sport in the world. Many of the differences are noteable, rules and such, but there is more than that. I have played a variety of sports, and I must say that none captures, even remotely the spirit of football. What makes football so unique is more than just the pads. Football is a sport where players can truly become brothers, and lasting bonds can develop that will last a lifetime. Other sports can claim such bonding occurs, but it does not occur at the same level as football. In football you go through "Hell Week," two to three weeks of two to three a day practices. During this time you endure physical hardship which is considered harder than military bootcamp. Afterwards you are sore, tired, and hopefully intact. However, afterwards you are also much closer to the people who endured "Hell" with you. No other sport lets you form such a close bond.

Another reason why I love football is because everyone has a place in it. How many 240 pound guys do you see playing socccer? How many do you see playing baseball? On the other end, how many 110 Sumo's do you see? You don't. Football is the only sport where you can have both of these people on the same side, working together in their individual positions. Football gives variety a chance.

I enjoy football for other reasons as well, particularily on a tactical level. No sport has the same depth of strategy, nor the necesity for teamwork, that football does. To the untrained it looks like people running into each other, to those who know how to look it is a complex pattern that cannot hope to be matched by any other sport currently in existance, (to my knowledge, anyway.) In Soccer a star player can make all the difference, or in Basketball one player can essentially determine the game. Not so in Football. Every person in every position must do their job, or everything falls apart. Yes, players a cut above the rest help, but no matter how fast you are you won't score any points unless the guys in front of you are blocking somebody. The interaction between players during a game is astounding. Speaking from a man who has played on the line, you get to know the guy next to you like a brother. When we blocked someone together I could tell where he was, when he was going to break off, and if his injuries were acting up. Even between 2 people out of the 11 on the field tactics are being formed and executed. I don't know of any other sport that requires unity and teamwork on so many levels.

I truly believe that Football is the greatest sport currently in existance. No sport has taught me so much, or given me such insights into life. The funny thing is, I'm not even a jock. Certainly I am a 240 pound offensive lineman build, but before that I'm a dedicated student. I've always been much more into school than football, trying to maintain a 4.0 and all. I don't even watch Football on TV so much. Why do I believe football is so great then?

Football teaches you how to work. It teaches you how to function as part of a group. It teaches you to set goals and acheive the. It teaches you what it takes to be successful in the world. No other sport teaches these lessons with such clarity. That is why Football is what it is. The greatest sport in the world- at least to me.

Other Notes:
Not everyone gets out these lessons, just like any lesson.

If all of the above wasn't true I'd still love football, because hitting people to protect the quarterback is fun!

Rtguard- Offensive lineman


"You spoony bard!"

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American Football. - 24/01/2003 02:25:52 PM 229 Views
Soccer/Football is way cooler *NM* - 24/01/2003 02:27:46 PM 4 Views
Football. Never soccer. And yes, it is. *NM* - 24/01/2003 02:29:53 PM 6 Views
That's what I said. *NM* - 24/01/2003 02:33:56 PM 6 Views
No, first you said soccer and that's a blasphemy. - 24/01/2003 03:22:36 PM 11 Views
Damn right. *NM* - 24/01/2003 03:30:40 PM 4 Views
Cricket is boring. - 24/01/2003 02:34:24 PM 11 Views
Meh - see me saying otherwise? - 24/01/2003 02:37:48 PM 8 Views
No, thank goodness. - 24/01/2003 02:43:48 PM 7 Views
Re: No, thank goodness. - 24/01/2003 02:48:51 PM 7 Views
Hmmm. - 24/01/2003 02:59:00 PM 6 Views
Re: Hmmm. - 24/01/2003 03:01:54 PM 8 Views
I have a torch. - 24/01/2003 03:06:23 PM 9 Views
Re: I have a torch. - 24/01/2003 03:11:27 PM 4 Views
Re: American Football. - 24/01/2003 02:36:50 PM 29 Views
Hmm.... - 24/01/2003 02:47:23 PM 26 Views
even those huge guys are incredible athletes... - 24/01/2003 02:55:04 PM 23 Views
Dude... - 24/01/2003 03:04:21 PM 22 Views
Heh - 24/01/2003 03:12:42 PM 21 Views
Re: Hmm.... - 24/01/2003 03:02:36 PM 19 Views
- 24/01/2003 03:16:05 PM 17 Views
Skill - 24/01/2003 03:25:46 PM 13 Views
Yeah - 24/01/2003 03:28:57 PM 12 Views
I'm a soccer junkie - but I can explain American Football - 24/01/2003 03:00:36 PM 22 Views
Hey, hey, hey - 24/01/2003 03:07:23 PM 18 Views
football. Or, like some people likes to call ( ) rules! *NM* - 24/01/2003 03:03:40 PM 5 Views
Yup *NM* - 24/01/2003 03:18:33 PM 3 Views
Re: American Football. - 24/01/2003 03:12:17 PM 17 Views
Because.... - 24/01/2003 03:17:03 PM 14 Views
heheheh - 24/01/2003 03:23:15 PM 14 Views
- 24/01/2003 03:30:02 PM 9 Views
well. - 24/01/2003 03:23:00 PM 12 Views
Yeah - that's because - 24/01/2003 03:26:12 PM 11 Views
A long time ago... - 24/01/2003 03:29:38 PM 18 Views
In an ecosystem far away - 24/01/2003 03:31:52 PM 16 Views
A long time ago... - 24/01/2003 03:29:39 PM 6 Views
then again: - 24/01/2003 03:33:28 PM 18 Views
Meh - 24/01/2003 03:35:44 PM 14 Views
lol *NM* - 24/01/2003 03:39:20 PM 6 Views
I think that's what the cheerleaders are for, as well... *NM* - 24/01/2003 03:40:29 PM 7 Views
it may be - 24/01/2003 03:45:15 PM 11 Views
Re: American Football. - 24/01/2003 03:40:55 PM 15 Views
Heh. There's always one. Ok...two. And the rest. - 24/01/2003 03:42:25 PM 8 Views
American Football-The ultimate pissing contest - 24/01/2003 03:52:40 PM 16 Views
Crazy. - 24/01/2003 04:38:24 PM 12 Views
*runs through post yelling... Soccer, soccer, soccer, soccer* - 24/01/2003 04:50:50 PM 19 Views
NO! - 24/01/2003 05:20:32 PM 14 Views
Soccer's fun. - 24/01/2003 05:54:49 PM 12 Views
Re: Soccer's fun. - 24/01/2003 06:12:19 PM 9 Views
So anyways - 24/01/2003 07:28:46 PM 6 Views
I'm a good footy player - 24/01/2003 07:20:01 PM 10 Views
Because of the strategy mostly. - 24/01/2003 07:24:38 PM 10 Views
Why I feel Football (American) is the greatest sport in the world - 24/01/2003 07:27:29 PM 20 Views
well said *wipes tear from eye* *NM* - 24/01/2003 08:35:22 PM 5 Views
Stop the horses! Call back the prostitutes. Baseball rules the world. - 24/01/2003 08:00:58 PM 13 Views
You couldn't handle American Football. *NM* - 25/01/2003 12:03:29 AM 5 Views
Amen to that brother!!!!!!!!!!! - 26/01/2003 07:25:55 PM 7 Views