1. are your eyes?
My eyes are green with a small bit of brown. Actually, there was a guy today who complemented my eyes. I was scared.
2. is your hair?
My hair is approximately auburn. More brown than red.
3. are your nails? (if you put nailpolish on them)
Not applicable
4. is your favourite?
Blue or green. This is a pretty arbitrary thing.
5. are your favourite pants?
6. is your favourite skirt?
If I had one, it'd be a kilt and be plaid. Tarten(sp?) plaid.
7. are your socks?
Right now? Black.
8. is your underwear? (you don't need to answer this one if you don't want to)
Grey plaid boxers.
9. are your shoes?
10. would you like to be?
White. As I am.
11. is your favourite sweater?
Hmm... Some dark colour.
12. is your favourite pyjama?
I wear boxers to bed. Or occasionally nothing.
13. would you like your hair to be?
Whatever. Red, green, blue. It doesn't matter.
14. is your favourite coffeemug?
I don't drink coffee. I drink tea only once in a aqua moon.
15. is your car? (if you have one)
16. is your bike? (if you have one)
17. is your house?
Some white wash colour. It really isn't my place.
18. are your curtains?
Blue. In my room.
19. candy do you prefer?
20. do you think apples should be?
Green. Mmm... Golden delicious.
[And yes I'm back from Ritual Silje. My scanner doesn't work so I'm having to improvise. ]
*is tired*