1. are your eyes?
Hazel, or so I'm told.
2. is your hair?
Brown. I hear it's got some subtle red highlights too. Neat.
3. are your nails? (if you put nailpolish on them)
Nail colour, as I do not.
4. is your favourite?
Blue. <<He's sad, but you must ignore that. He's also blue, and that's what counts.
5. are your favourite pants?
I've got some really comfy ones that are beige. My favourite jean-type ones are a very nice blue though.
6. is your favourite skirt?
I refuse to answer!
7. are your socks?
Grey, as a rule. Unless I'm getting dressy. Then I pull out the black.
8. is your underwear? (you don't need to answer this one if you don't want to)
I don't believe I have any two pairs the same colour. I'm currently without a pair of Ultimate Boxers, which is a shame, but I have a very nice blue pair.
9. are your shoes?
Brown, last I checked.
10. would you like to be?
I'm happy with my current colour.
11. is your favourite sweater?
It's a dark navy blue with a red stripe. I call it my Starfleet shirt, because it looks exactly like what a Starfleet uniform would if they were cool.
12. is your favourite pyjama?
13. would you like your hair to be?
I'm pretty happy with it. Really. Not just being indifferent. I like it.
14. is your favourite coffeemug?
I don't own one. If I did, it would mean I drank coffee. *Bleck*
15. is your car? (if you have one)
I don't, but if I did it would be a silver BMW Z-8 Roadster. Seriously. *Convinces self*
16. is your bike? (if you have one)
I haven't had one of them in yeeeeaaaaars. Can't even remember what colour it was.
17. is your house?
It's red brick.
18. are your curtains?
I don't have a window. That would let light in.
19. candy do you prefer?
Ummmm....whatever colour is normal for that type of candy.
20. do you think apples should be?</font>
Don't get me wrong, I've had some good green and yellow apples before, but you just can't argue with a nice red one.
ok, I admit these questions were a bit pointless but I hope you enjoyed answering them anyway
It was a...colourful experience. *Punishes self*
------Obsidian Asha'man
Proud Warder to BucketBaby
* Totally *
- Teach them all their lesson
- - - Ninjas will always win
- Your work is a ninja's play
*Wails* Here to stay
An Hava Rocks - hard!!