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Re: One comment The Seeker of Truth - 24/01/2003 03:28:24 PM

The aluminum tubes were prohibited -- there's no doubt about that. However, the way Iraq intended to use them makes a very large difference. Going to war to prevent Iraq from developing nuclear weapons is one thing; I'm still against it at this time, but that's another argument. Going to war over a few aluminum tubes that were only going to be used for rockets is something different entirely. Is it really worth having American soldiers and Iraqi citizens killed for something like that? Bush is basing his case for war on the claim that Iraq is a threat to our national security. If we have no proof that even suggests Iraq is making nuclear weapons, then his argument collapses. Think about that before you accuse anyone of being stupid.

It's not about the aluminum tubes or their use, that's the point. It's about the principle of it. Iraq CONTINUES to repeatedly disobey the U.N. sanctions, to fail to make good on their promises, and to attempt to supercede the will of the International Community. To the tune of 12 years worth. If you ran over a person with a car while drunk, and promised never to drive again, never to drink again, never to even buy alcohol again. And then for the next 12 years were caught repeatedly buying booze, attempting to buy the parts to build a car, looking at cars, sitting in cars, and sitting in them while drunk. How long before you drive it again? And how quickly would someone have stepped in to prevent you from doing it? Like year 1 most likely. Iraq has had its chance. A change has to occur.

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U.S. Claim on Iraqi Nuclear Program Is Called Into Question - 24/01/2003 08:23:21 AM 259 Views
regardless of anything else, - 24/01/2003 08:50:45 AM 39 Views
Excellent - 24/01/2003 09:52:44 AM 29 Views
There have been anti-fascist revolutions - 24/01/2003 04:57:43 PM 10 Views
Re: There have been anti-fascist revolutions - 30/01/2003 09:06:21 AM 8 Views
this was on 60 minutes a few weeks back - 24/01/2003 09:19:21 AM 22 Views
Re: U.S. Claim on Iraqi Nuclear Program Is Called Into Question - 24/01/2003 11:19:52 AM 17 Views
I guess Everyone is entitled to their own opinion... - 24/01/2003 02:35:08 PM 32 Views
Many of our 'allies' are content - 24/01/2003 02:50:27 PM 29 Views
the US hasn't proven its case - 24/01/2003 06:18:34 PM 20 Views
Is glad your government disagrees - 24/01/2003 06:32:36 PM 26 Views
whatever you like to think - 24/01/2003 06:37:49 PM 19 Views
Disagrees about what? - 24/01/2003 06:49:27 PM 25 Views
*snorts* - 25/01/2003 03:24:14 AM 14 Views
It appears that you willfully misunderstand - 25/01/2003 09:55:04 AM 17 Views
you're made an argument? - 25/01/2003 10:23:03 AM 14 Views
Yeah, you're drunk all right - 25/01/2003 10:31:06 AM 17 Views
This is getting tedious. - 24/01/2003 03:01:16 PM 39 Views
It certainly is... - 24/01/2003 03:11:36 PM 23 Views
Re: It certainly is... - 24/01/2003 03:37:51 PM 23 Views
Sure - 24/01/2003 03:55:43 PM 21 Views
Re: Sure - 24/01/2003 05:25:16 PM 16 Views
Re: Sure - 24/01/2003 05:57:50 PM 19 Views
To be fair... - 24/01/2003 03:24:45 PM 28 Views
Re: To be fair... - 24/01/2003 03:50:22 PM 15 Views
a question. - 24/01/2003 04:01:18 PM 13 Views
WOW - 30/01/2003 12:08:43 PM 8 Views
WOW - 30/01/2003 12:09:18 PM 7 Views
WOW? Wow! Is my reaction as well. - 30/01/2003 02:29:13 PM 14 Views
OK OK... - 06/02/2003 10:18:12 AM 6 Views
OK OK... - 06/02/2003 10:20:14 AM 3 Views
Iraq is a member nation of the UN - 24/01/2003 05:07:56 PM 12 Views
One comment - 24/01/2003 03:16:26 PM 13 Views
Re: One comment - 24/01/2003 03:28:24 PM 15 Views
Let me clarify - 24/01/2003 04:51:44 PM 13 Views
Re: Let me clarify - 27/01/2003 12:22:30 PM 8 Views
seeker of truth? Go look for some then - 24/01/2003 06:13:37 PM 20 Views
Re: seeker of truth? Go look for some then - 27/01/2003 12:40:22 PM 12 Views