Actually, I'm a coca-cola addict... and a coffee addict... I guess that means I'm a caffeine addict.
I'm also a book addict...
...a phone-call addict...
noooo, I work in a switchboard, hate phone-calls, grrrr
...a television addict...
not anymore but I can relate
...a wotmania.net addict...
...a writing addict...
*check* but only in my diary
...a praise addict...
*check if I've earned it* otherwise it just embarrasses me
...a sarcasm addict...
*check* especially if I'm tired
... a dot-dot-dot addict...
...a procrastination addict...
*check my sig, I rule the kingdom of procrastination*
... and I love it!
...which actualy makes it all seem even sadder. naw... it's all good
There are loads of places I can go if I want to stop drinking, smoking, gambling...
...but nowhere I can go and say - I get addicted to things in general, help me. *hugs*
Little problems count too... they're just as important as the big bad ones. Not many realise that. *hugs more* I know... I broke a nail today... *sobs*
Harsh world be damned,
let's make a stand...
Saknar Korybjörnen™