I am sick and tired for being called shortsighted because of my beliefs. I mean, I've been called shortsighted more than half a dozen times on this sight, and if somebody does it again I'm going to have an episode. If I'm entitled to my own oppinion, I'm entitled to it without being called shortsighted by every bombastic politically involved person on this site who disagrees with me.
Walruss = wads? I never knew...
Iraq isn't part of the UN Come on, are you just making stuff up now?
Of course Saddam should be removed as soon as possible, but who has caused the most innocent death's in the last two decades, the Western Nations or Iraq?
He should be removed, but you don't want it to be done. Gotcha.
So, nations have to prove themselves worthy to the US before being allowed nuclear weapons? In what way did China ear that right? The continued hold of Tibet perhaps? And was it Russia's respect for human life and rights that earned them the right during the Cold War? What earned the US the right?
China never agreed to sign THE TREATY ON THE NON-PROLIFERATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS!!! Until after they were a nuclear power. They signed it in 1992, agreeing to stop selling nuclear technology.
Iraq, on the other hand, signed the treaty in 1968 and ratified it in 1969. Then they purchased technology from the west that they used to start a nuclear program, in violation of the treaty.
This has nothing to do with the rights of the US.
"Well I'm in business, the business of kicking your a$$, and let me tell you...business is boomin'. I'm open for business, the business of givin' you the business...
Soylent Green is my kind of people.